Terms & Conditions

Here onward, the “person”/”organization”/”Company”/”agency” purchasing any packages or plans from Alex MediaTech referred to in this document as “Services” will include:

Web design, SEO, Pay-Per-Click campaigns, Facebook advertising, Google AdWords, Ad Management, Analytics Reports, Monthly Maintenance, WordPress, WooCommerce, E-commerce, Service Call, Landing Page, Graphic Services, including Logo, Brochures, Business Cards, Banners, Posters, E-Design, Presentation, eBrochures, Booklet, Folder, QR Code, Audio, Print, Delivery, Video, ebooks, Editing, Branding, Video Production & Shooting, Photography, Social media, Social media Icons, Internet marketing training and any other Strategy Formulation, Training, Graphics, and any Marketing and Sales Services.


The Service Provider is being hired by the Client as an independent contractor with the express intent of creating and establishing new accounts for the Services that have been acquired. In the event that it becomes necessary, the Client hereby grants the Service Provider permission to "write permission" on their pre-existing accounts.

Also, the client grants permission for the service provider to utilize the login credentials to get access to any third-party accounts linked to the services they have purchased or any website from which they would like the provider to obtain licensed data.


To the extent specified in your most current Alex MediaTech Contract, you agree to pay us monthly fees to cover the expenses of setting up and running your online advertising and marketing services program.

Alex MediaTech reserves the right, upon notice, to modify the maximum monthly prices in compliance with policies set forth by our publishers and search providers. At the end of each calendar month, all monthly payments are due.

A processing charge of 3% is applied to all credit card payments. All campaign activity will be suspended until payment is received and the account is current if an account is 45 days past due. The account is to be turned over to collection when the balance is 90 days past due.

Statements and Guarantees

You guarantee and represent that all of the information you have given for your advertising programs is yours to publish and use at will, that it doesn't violate anyone else's rights, and that it conforms with all applicable local, state, and federal laws and regulations.


The Alex MediaTech Contract stipulates that program rates will be fixed for the first term, which for custom programs must be at least twelve (12) months.

Every agreement automatically renews at the then-current announced service rates. Either party may terminate the program at any time after the original agreement period by giving the other party thirty days' written notice.

Inappropriate Practices

In order for Alex to provide the most service possible, various rules and regulations need to control its operations and interactions with customers.

Activities that contravene these rules and regulations are absolutely prohibited and may lead to our services being immediately terminated.

Among the unacceptable behaviors are, but are not restricted to:

Sexually explicit or provocative content

Adult or pornographic material

Sexually related goods or services (such as escort services), or other sexually oriented content

Websites for lingerie offensive or otherwise repulsive content

Language or content that in any way endangers minors

Spreading malware over the internet or engaging in other destructive or hazardous actions

Cracking and hacking

Phishing or scams aimed targeting personal data

Solicitation of contributions for purposes other than legitimate charity organizations (exceptions may be made on an individual basis at the discretion of Alex MediaTech)


Lotteries, and similar illicit activities websites

Language or content that is harmful

Threatening, aggressive, abusive, harassing, torturous, vulgar, obscene, libelous content invasive of another person's privacy

Racist, chauvinistic, ethnically derogatory, or otherwise offensive retaliatory, hostile, or defamatory words

Illegal actions include piracy, copyright infringement, ponzi and pyramid schemes, fraudulent credit card charges, plagiarism, and any other illegal use of information that violates the intellectual property rights of other parties
